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Quick definitions (boat)

  • noun:   an effortlessly cool fella who NEVER struggles to pull and is generally top of the tree at whatever he does WITHOUT trying 
  • eg to be in awe of an ABSOLUTE BOAT

    (from the rhyming slang - boat race/face)

    "You don't have to have good hair and confidence to be a boat... but it helps" - B Lee (2006)



    Retired at 22... on the back of being a boat

    Turned his back on the game at 26...? BOAT!

    The inspiration to all long haired 30somethings...

    Just cos its obvious doesnt mean its not true

    Where did it all go wrong??!

    George's BEST ever goal??? (with commentary)

    Watch out for this up and coming golf BOAT


    Ex baseball pitcher now full time BOAT

    Timeless Boat

    What A Charmer! The thinking birds boat


    Sun In and no haircut for six months in 1990...

    He does it... we knock him for it... then we copy

    Still has supermodels booting his door down at 63!

    Gone but not forgotten... RIP