Darren Hodsoll

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                                                        Darren Hodsoll

Never seen in the same room as Thomas Gravesen

Club Captain Darren became the first player at the club to receive a red card thanks to a filthy tirade at the man in black against Ascot in the autumn of 2003. That aside, 'Skip' led by example inspiring us when we lost heart, and playing in a variety of positions with no thought for his own personal glory. Hods had more holidays than Judith Chalmers in season 04/05, but adapted well to the right back role when he was around...
                                          Starts    Subs   Goals  Yellows  Reds
LC/DC Record - 03/04      13           1           2              0           1   
                               04/05      14           2           0              1           0
                               05/06      12           0           1              2           0  
                                Total      39           3           3              3           1  

Great Barnet!


Full Name?
Darren Hodsoll
Hornchurch, 12.08.77
If you weren't a Soccer Star, what would you be?
Finance Manager
Favourite other team?
West Ham
Most Memorable Match?
Roma vs Barton Manor - Doris Barker Cup '87
Favourite Player?
David Connolly
Favourite Film?
Star Wars
Favourite Music?
Favourite Food?
You have the choice of the worlds most beautiful women for one night, who's the lucky lady?
Uma Thurman
And finally, a message for all your fans?
Be a lover, not a fighter!

The Poor Mans Blake Seven

Messy eater Uma tucking in to a giant Kit Kat