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                                                     Dennis Peck

What's this??? The lesser spotted Peck grin???

The worst kept secret in Sunday Football was officially confirmed in August 04, when Dennis signed for La Chiesa from Gidea Park. A veteran of the Corinthian League scene , Peck has been brought in to be add a new dimension to LC/DC's attack.
                                            Starts    Subs   Goals  Yellows  Reds
LC/DC Record   04/05       17          5           11            1            0
                               05/06       17          1           18            2            0
                               Total        34         6            29            3           0 

Winning the league at The Lane - How Pleasant!

Still arguing over the tip... & Madonnas big dick

Full Name?
Dennis Peck
If you weren't a Soccer Star, what would you be?
Pen Pusher
Favourite other team?
Most Memorable Match?
26.05.89 - It's up for grabs now... (I could go on)
Favourite Player?
Ronaldinho (The ugliest footballer worthy of the title:Boat)
Favourite Film?
Reservoir Dogs
Favourite Music?
Doom & Gloom Stuff
Favourite Food?
Roast Dinner
You have the choice of the worlds most beautiful women for one night, who's the lucky lady?
Pammy Anderson
And finally, a message for all your fans?
Don't put off til tomorrow what you can do the day after!

Boatiness is more than just a pretty face!

Pammy goes all shy on us...